
Sunday, May 15, 2011

I don't know how to put it..

But, I'm a cutter. I know no one really reads this, so I'm just gunna put it out there. So i'm a cutter, so i must be all "OH THE WORLD SUCKS. IM GOING INTO MY CONRNER WITH MY RAZOR BLADE AND IM GUNNA LIEK TOTALLLLYYY SLIT MY WRISTSSS CUZZZZ LIEKKK THE WORLD HATESSS MEEEEE WAHHHH. I;M SO FUCKING EMOOO" haha. yeah. totally.

I'm hyper, i SEEM happy, and I'm always making jokes and being nice. And by the way, i dont even fucking CUT my wrists. Its my legs and fingers that take it all.

Why? I don't really know.. I just kinda do it when I'm really pissed. Or when i'm making a point. 3 weeks ago, i carved the word BITCH into my leg, and rubbed salt in it. It didn't hurt. My mom didn't question why i was in the bathroom for 2 hours with music blaring. Don't believe me?

Thats after i ran water over it so i could rub salt in. It still hasn't fully scabbed over.

LOL isn't my leg fat?! Thats because i AM fat. My mom says it. And i know you think it. LOL.

And when i was in chicago, i dropped my phone in a toilet. NOW THE CAMERA WONT WORK. yay! thats the last picture i took with it! I'm so fucking HAPPY everytime i go to find a picture to show to someone and i see that. oh yeah. definately.

Hurrr. Now i'm bored, and i'm sorry for dumping all of that on you. I just had to tell someone. My friends worry about me now. They wont let me be by myself for more then an hour now. They call me daily. People annoy me.

I'm failing English, Math and History. All three are my favorite CORE classes. So now i'm getting compared to my 6th grader sister, who has all A's. And shes a whore. WOO! I hope she gets aids.

But my life isn't all bad :D I has friends (online, rl, don't matter to meee) and family ( i THINK) who love me. So, wish me luck! <3

Mood: Hurr. Blehh.

Song: My Heritage by BLAST X

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Sorry i havn't posted since i turned 14.  This year sucks so far. Absolutely sucks into oblivion. I mean, i finished writing my book, but i want to finish parts 2 and 3 also before i do anything with it, and its hand written, so i would have otyp it and I'm not looking for that kind of stress right now. I have enough with Math and Science. The rest are slacker classes. They do not challenge me in the least bit. Though i do enjoy those subjects, i still really enjoy math probably beause my math teacher is really cool :] I got my room redone black and red, so i guess its an up. My mom thinks i'm going to be an obsessive drinker when i get older, because i've been dowing like 3 cans of pop a day, and i usually finish one within 2 or 3 minutes. I agree with her, because I'm already drinking whenever i can.. not a lot yet, but thats what i'm on the road to apparently.
I wet back to my old style of drawing and i;m very happy about it. My old style is a lot easier to use and it makes the pictures look less chibi-ish. :]] Cheez-its fine, Libbys all good, my sisters a moron, my mom is a wreck, and my dad is a fucking shit who ruined our lives. Except my sisters. She, just is such a fucking little bitch! I mean i'm a bitch, a lot, ad i'm stubborn and rebellious, but at least i'm not always at a friends house and i'm there to help my mom, ya know? So we go back to the mayo clinc next week. Just me, my mom ad my dad. Yayyyyy.  I feel more alone now then evr, and i'm surroudd b people who love m. Or pople who i hope who love me..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Salutations and Greetings! :]

Hi! :] This is my first post, and I guess it's not supposed to be very interesting.. A bit more about me? I enjoy harder or alternative rock. I also depise people who shove their views and likes down others throats and will take any comment and make a it a conversation about that subject. I love my friends (online and offline) and I would be nothing and no where without them [:
I have a guinea pig named Cheez it! (seen below)
Isn't she cute? <3 I got her in the summer before 6th grade, and she will be turning 3 this year! :D
Ehrm, people always ask me to choose between them. And I hate doing that. I also hate stereotypical people.
Almost as much as I hate people who shove their ieas down your throat! (lol) So yes, my birthday is coming up and I will be getting a new iPod! :) Finally, my first real iPod! Oohh the excitement! :] My aunt is taking me to the Linkin Park concert also for my birthday, I love you aunt Christy! :]]