
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Sorry i havn't posted since i turned 14.  This year sucks so far. Absolutely sucks into oblivion. I mean, i finished writing my book, but i want to finish parts 2 and 3 also before i do anything with it, and its hand written, so i would have otyp it and I'm not looking for that kind of stress right now. I have enough with Math and Science. The rest are slacker classes. They do not challenge me in the least bit. Though i do enjoy those subjects, i still really enjoy math probably beause my math teacher is really cool :] I got my room redone black and red, so i guess its an up. My mom thinks i'm going to be an obsessive drinker when i get older, because i've been dowing like 3 cans of pop a day, and i usually finish one within 2 or 3 minutes. I agree with her, because I'm already drinking whenever i can.. not a lot yet, but thats what i'm on the road to apparently.
I wet back to my old style of drawing and i;m very happy about it. My old style is a lot easier to use and it makes the pictures look less chibi-ish. :]] Cheez-its fine, Libbys all good, my sisters a moron, my mom is a wreck, and my dad is a fucking shit who ruined our lives. Except my sisters. She, just is such a fucking little bitch! I mean i'm a bitch, a lot, ad i'm stubborn and rebellious, but at least i'm not always at a friends house and i'm there to help my mom, ya know? So we go back to the mayo clinc next week. Just me, my mom ad my dad. Yayyyyy.  I feel more alone now then evr, and i'm surroudd b people who love m. Or pople who i hope who love me..